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Planet Pentatonic

The pentatonic or five-note scale is formed by the black notes of the keyboard, or the white notes C, D, E, G and A – two whole tones, a minor third and a whole tone.

One of the passions of everyone working with Planet Polaris™ is… music.  Music education greatly enhances people understanding and achievement in non-musical subjects. … This can be evidenced with the correlation between rhythm instruction and spatial-temporal reasoning, which is integral in the acquisition of important math skills.

Music — and not just classical music — inspires a sense of creativity and sustains our motivation, going hand-in hand with the empowering nature of science. The delicate interplay between music and science in our education helps us think without letting us forget how essential it is to feel.

Planet Pentatonic plans to create events for youngsters & adults playing piano, guitar, drums, saxophone and cello in combination with science education…

Prev. event:
Planet Pentatonic Ghent – 2018


maart 14, 2016


Communication, music